There is increasing evidence that Google is in the process of updating its Photo Retouching infrastructure. Past history suggests that the algorithm will continue to improve once the infrastructure update is complete. [Update] In early May 2019, a secret closed-door session by Google employees revealed that user error was the cause of Google's index outage. Read: April 2019 Google outage due to human error On May 28, 2019, Google announced a major update in the form of a transition to a 100% mobile index for new websites. Read: Google Moves to Mobile-First Indexing by Default for New Websites According to Google's official announcement: "Googlebot primarily uses smartphone agents to crawl and Photo Retouching index pages.
Starting July 1, 2019, the Mobile First Index is enabled by default on Photo Retouching all new websites (first time on the web, or previously unknown by Google search). "" What is an infrastructure update? Infrastructure updates help speed up calculations and indexing. Caffeine update is an example of infrastructure update. According to an overview of the caffeine update by Dave Davies: advertisement Continue reading below With this new system, Google was able to crawl and store data much more efficiently. In fact, Google's own account was able to not only increase the index, but also provide much fresher Photo Retouching results (estimated to be 50% fresh). Another example of infrastructure updates is the 2017 Espresso deployment.
According to Google: “Espresso allows us to maintain performance and availability in ways that are not possible with existing router-centric Internet protocols, which means higher availability and performance on Google Cloud than is available across the Internet. To do." Read Google's official espresso announcement here The elephant is officially in the room Google "wrongly" removed thousands, and Photo Retouching perhaps millions, of URLs from the search index Google's cache is a month old GoogleBot, Google's search indexer, has been upgraded from the version of Chrome features four years ago to the latest version. The phrase " elephant in the room " is a metaphor for something that is too big to ignore. It's clear that something is happening in Google's search index. advertisement Continue reading below I can see.