Toto -, but this year the theme seems even more relevant to Email List us in the context of the digital transformation accelerated by the coronavirus pandemic. Digitizing the PA in an advanced way means digitizing the country ". Federico Tota Index of topics Usable Email List services and digital marketing also for the PA Digital divide? A question of digital experience Unified data and updated skills to "make the leap" Usable services and digital marketing also for the PA At the recent Email List edition of ForumPA, the annual event dedicated to the world of Public Administration, Adobe presented the survey " PA and citizens.
Which tools to improve the digital experience Email List of users ", carried out in collaboration with FPA (part of the Digital360 Group ), which focuses precisely on the degree of maturity of the digital experience strategies of the main Italian PAs. The research brings to light a strong dichotomy between the availability of digital services offered by the Public Administration and their Email List effective use . On the one hand, the supply in Italy records results above the average of the EU countries, on the other hand, the demand records the most serious delays.
Only 32% of Italian users actively use e-government services compared to a EU average of 67% (source: DESI 2020 ). "It is a very significant fact - highlights Tota - which does not depend only on the poor digital literacy of Italians , but also on factors such as the quality of the Email List services and portals themselves, which have not yet reached acceptable levels of usability and accessibility, and on poor awareness of the advantages of online tools due to ineffective communication ยป.