Moreno's was a government tilted to the Phone Number List right, the fact that the truly representative forces of that ideological spectrum –such as the Movement Creating Opportunities (CREO) and the Christian Social Party (PSC)– have obtained electoral victory marks a Phone Number List milestone in Ecuadorian politics and expresses a new historical context to which the left and progressive spaces must pay attention. In his third electoral attempt, banker Guillermo Lasso managed Phone Number List to win by almost five points over Andrés .
Despite the final scrutiny, both the Phone Number List presidential results of the first round and the composition of the National Assembly reveal that the configuration of the political board is much more complex than what the mere election of the Lasso-binomial indicates. This gives significant weight to the left in the opposition to the future government, with a neoliberal profile, both inside and outside party political games. Ecuador is experiencing a difficult context: the Phone Number List increase in poverty, exacerbated Phone Number List unemployment in the midst of the health crisis and the very poor management of the outgoing government are the signs of this time. Various reports from the Economic Commission for Latin America Phone Number List and the Caribbean (ECLAC) place Ecuador as one of the countries in America where extreme poverty increased the most in the midst of the pandemic.
The main supporters of the Phone Number List left today are the Citizen Revolution Movement, led by former president Rafael Correa, and the Unity Movement, the political arm of the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador Although both spaces Phone Number List maintain coincidences in their opposition to neoliberalism, they have suffered historical disagreements that it is necessary to reveal in order to understand the situation of the Ecuadorian institutional left. Outside Phone Number List of them, however, there is also an important vitality: that provided by social movements. These will be, in the current context, decisive for the future of the left.